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Physical Education

Physical Education tutors in Florida

Searching for the best private Physical Education tutor in Florida? Look no further - NiceTutor is here for you with the best local Physical Education tutors in your area. Whatever lessons your request is for, NiceTutor will address it and connect you with the expert just perfect for you, be it preschool & primary school level tuition, adult education or anything in between.
NiceTutor features more than 36 Physical Education in Florida tutors speaking over 40 languages. Apart from English, Spanish, and French, you can also have classes in Punjabi, Korean, Japanese etc.
NiceTutor is the place to go and find the best Physical Education tutors in the area. Professional, local, and just good-natured.

We found 36 Physical Education teachers for you

Abiodun - Physical Education tutor
online lessons only
Hello potential students, My name is Abiodun Sulaiman but you can call me Abbey and I am an experienced biology and physical…
Physical Education, First Aid, Biology
Secondary School
Teaching languages: Englishnative
Emma - Physical Education tutor
online lessons only
Hi :) I'm Emma. I am a Long distance runner and have competed at World Championships. I studied at Queen's University Belfast…
Physical Education, Life Sciences, Sport
Secondary School, Sixth Form College, University, Adults
Teaching languages: Englishnative
Joseph - Physical Education tutor
online lessons only
My name is Joe. I am an American living in Thailand. I like to run, hike, swim, camp, exercise, watch movies and more. My…
English, Martial Arts, Physical Education
Primary School, Secondary School, Sixth Form College, University, Adults
Teaching languages: Englishnative
Alba - Physical Education tutor
online lessons only
My name is Alba, I am from Spain. I am 27 years old, enthusiastic, energetic, and professional.
Spanish, Zumba, Physical Education
Nursery School , Primary School
Teaching languages: English, Spanish
Gerhardus - Physical Education tutor
online lessons only
My name is Gerrie O’callaghan,and I am from South Africa. I am 23 years old, and I am genuinely passionate about teaching.…
English, Personal Training, Physical Education
Primary School, Secondary School, University, Adults
Teaching languages: Afrikaans, Englishnative
Pumelela - Physical Education tutor
online lessons only
My name is Teacher Pumi. I’m a 26 year old Native English speaker,from a beautiful country called South Africa. I have four…
English, Literature, Physical Education
Primary School, Secondary School, University, Adults
Teaching languages: Afrikaans, Englishnative
Işıl - Physical Education tutor
online lessons only
Hello student, My name is Işıl. I'm a certified English teacher with one year of teaching experience. I taught English to…
English, Physical Education, Turkish
Nursery School , Primary School, Secondary School, Adults
Teaching languages: English, Turkish
Merejoie - Physical Education tutor
online lessons only
Hello dear students. I am teacher joie. I am from the beautiful town of the Philippines. I love swimming, traveling, reading…
English, Literature, Physical Education
Primary School, Secondary School, Adults
Teaching languages: English, Filipino
Giomar - Physical Education tutor
online lessons only
Estimados estudiantes, el deporte y la actividad física constituye una parte importante de nuestra vida, como prevención…
Sports Nutrition, Anatomy, Physical Education
Secondary School, Sixth Form College, Intern, University, Adults
Teaching languages: Spanishnative
Gunnar - Physical Education tutor
online lessons only
Hi! My name is Gunnar and am born and raised in Finland. I come from a bilingual family, why I speak both Finnish and Swedish…
English, Personal Training, Physical Education
Nursery School , Primary School, Secondary School, Sixth Form College, Intern, University, Adults
Teaching languages: German, English
We found 36 Physical Education teachers for you
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99% of our tutors offer a free trial lesson! Tuition Prices from 15£/h. The average lesson fee is 20$!
On average, students give our Physical Education tutors in Florida a 4 out of 5 star rating when sharing their learning experience.
15 minutes
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Frequently Asked Questions

What happens when I book a lesson with Physical Education tutor in Florida?
We receive your request and contact the tutor you chose. As soon as the tutor accepts your request, we share your contact details with them and they get in touch with you to discuss your goals and set the first class. We will send you updates and provide support the whole way.
How can I book a Physical Education lesson with a tutor in Florida?
Go to our website and filter out the tutors by subject, language spoken, location, lesson format etc. Choose the profile you like and press «contact the tutor». Fill in all the necessary info and press «book now». We will get back to you by email and WhatsApp.
How many Physical Education tutors in Florida do you have?
We have over 36 Physical Education tutors in Florida. They all vary by experience, languages spoken, location, areas of expertise. You can filter profiles out by the criteria important to you and find the one you’re looking for.
What is the average price of a 60-minute Physical Education lesson in Florida?

Our Physical Education lessons in Florida start from 10$ and average 20$ per hour. The price of the lesson usually depends on the tutor’s experience, area of expertise, and the format of the class (online vs face-to-face).

Most of our Physical Education tutors offer a free trial lesson.